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The Bare Basics of Exercise and Performance Nutrition


By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

Nutrition can get very complicated, especially exercise and performance nutrition. There is so much information these days, often conflicting, which makes it almost impossible for most people to figure out.  Keep it simple:

Pre-workout meal = small meal consisting of moderate amount of carbs, some lean protein (animal and/or plant) and some fat about 1-2 hours prior to, depending on the meal size.

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S & C Coach vs. Personal Trainer

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

Being both a Strength & Conditioning Coach and Personal Trainer I have come to learn the skills and responsibilities of both professions.  At least a few of you readers already know that I have both a personal training and a strength & conditioning specialist designation but the question I am compelled to ask you is: “Do you know the difference between the two?”.

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A “Great Workout” Misunderstood


By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

What constitutes a “great workout”?  That is a very good question and the answer is often quite misunderstood by many inexperienced “exercisers” and even by more seasoned ones.  First of all, it depends on your fitness/performance goals and level of fitness.  But let’s take a big step back and discuss what many people believe is a “great workout”:

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Tough Mudder

Richmond fitness

Tough Mudder

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS
Many of you have heard of Tough Mudder, know someone who has done it or have even done it yourself.  Perhaps you are currently signed up for this event or are thinking of signing up and haven’t starting training for it (more on that later on).  The first Tough Mudder event was held on May 2, 2010 at Bear Creek Ski Resort near Allentown, PA (USA) and its popularity has skyrocketed from 3 events in 2010 to over 50 worldwide becoming a global phenomenon.

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Primal Movement Patterns

Primal Movement Patterns
Tuesday, April 21, 2015 *from archives

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

When you think of the word, “primal”, what comes to mind?  Primitive societies or civilizations? Perhaps a wild animal such as tiger?  The picture above probably had something to do with that thought.  For the purposes of this entry the word “primal” means essential or fundamental, not something which is primitive or dated.

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Core Training Part 2 – A Deeper Look into Core Stability

Core Training Part 2 – A Deeper Look into Core Stability
Saturday, March 8, 2014

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

Welcome to the conclusion of “Core Training Part 1 – Sit-ups and Crunches?”.  If you have not had an opportunity to read it please click on this link:

Core Training Part 1 – Sit-ups and Crunches?

So sit-ups and crunches may NOT be the best exercises for your core and are HIGHER risk to your lower back health.  And CORE STABILITY exercises have been shown to be much lower risk for back pain/injury.

Question: So if your core musculature is stabilizing and not moving during exercises such as the front plank then how will the muscles becoming stronger and possibly more defined, if that is your goal?

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Core Training Part 1: Sit-ups and Crunches?

Core Training Part 1: Sit-ups and Crunches?
Sunday, February 16, 2014 *from archives

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

Since the beginning of time, or it seems, the sit-up has been a staple of core exercise for people trying to get ripped “abs” or wanting to build a strong core.  If one went to a gym a decade or more ago you would probably find that the only core exercise that was done back then.  But in recent years exercise and “back” experts have been proclaiming that sit-ups and abdominal crunches are bad for your back and that there are better exercises to strengthen the core such as the front plank, Read More

Foam Rolling – Science & Application

Foam Rolling – Science & Application
Monday, August 25, 2014 *from archives

By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

Foam rolling, sometimes called Trigger Point Release or Myofascial Release has recently come to the forefront of health and fitness.  You have probably heard of it and you may have done it at some point in the past or even presently.  Perhaps you own a foam roller that sits in your closet or garage.  Well, it may be because you don’t know all the benefits of trigger point release. Read More

Searching for a Good Trainer/Coach

Searching for a Good Trainer/Coach
Friday, March 29, 2013 *from archives
By Kevin Hirose – BKin, CSCS

In this day and age, especially in the lower mainland area, fitness and exercise are an integral parts of people’s daily lives.  There are numerous gyms, personal training studios, yoga studios, martial arts clubs and many personal trainers.  Now let’s discuss personal trainers.

What you may have heard or seen on television programs such as “The Biggest Loser” is not truly representative of what goes on during a personal training session or at least what should happen during a proper one.  So, unfortunately, there are people who believe that is what all trainers are like.  Just like any industry there are good, average and just plain bad people in it.  Unfortunately, for the average person it can be very difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.  To become a Personal Trainer no degree is required , actually, a high school diploma is not even required to become one in BC. Read More