What it Means to be "Fit" - Part 1 | APEX THE GYM

What it Means to be “Fit” – Part 1

By Kevin Hirose – BHK, CSCS

Over the past several years, the terms “fitness” and “fit”, in my opinion, have been distorted by the industry and media. First look at the dictionary definition of “fitness”:


the condition of being physically fit and healthy.”disease and lack of fitness are closely related”

good health, strength, robustness, vigor, athleticism, toughness, physical fitness,muscularity; More

the quality of being suitable to fulfill a particular role or task.“he had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office”
suitability, capability, competence, ability, aptitude; More


One of the biggest issues I have is with the difference between “looking fit” and actually “being fit”. For one, one does not necessarily require the other. What I am saying is that one can “look fit” but not actually be as fit they look or vice-versa. I have personally witnessed people who look very fit but are not actually that strong, fast or flexible. Looks can be and ARE deceiving!

According to the definition of Fitness, it is also relative to the sport or activity. Take a sport such as North American Football (NFL, CFL). This is a sport with many different positions along with many different physiques, if you had not noticed before. If you watch a football game, you will see many different positions with corresponding physiques. The lineman are huge and muscular and sometimes even fat-looking, the running backs are often perfect-looking physical specimens, while the receivers tend to be long and lean. This is a perfect example of how “fitness” is dependent on the sport and the position in that sport. A lineman is too big and heavy to be “fit” as a receiver and a receiver is much too small and light to do the job of a lineman; he would get crushed on every play. So yes, physique can indicate fitness level but not necessarily the physical capabilities of an individual.

Another important point on this subject, is physical appearance and body image. I think it is important that people do not define their fitness and especially their self-worth based only on appearance/physique and focus more on capability and physical capacity.  ULTIMATELY, IN ANY SITUATION I WOULD PREFER TO HAVE THE FIT PERSON RATHER THAN THE FIT-LOOKING PERSON AT MY SIDE.  Part 2 in late August…